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Volunteers FAQ

How do I become a volunteer?

Sign up by filling out the volunteer application form. You will receive a confirmation email from the volunteer manager with details.

What do I do as a volunteer at the Old Town School?

Our volunteers work in a variety of ways here at Old Town School. You can volunteer at our concerts, in the resource center, in membership and occasionally we need people to assist us with data entry.

What type of commitment is involved?

If you are volunteering at our concerts, we ask that you sign up for a minimum of three concerts per season. The resource center schedules volunteers a month at a time with a three hour commitment per week.

It is our policy that a volunteer's account expires after 1 full calendar year of inactivity. If it has been more than 365 days since your last volunteer assignment, your account and hours accrued have expired.

How does the service hours system work?

The Volunteer Program works on an "accrued hours" system as a way of showing our appreciating for all our volunteers do. Every time you volunteer at the School, you will receive "hours" based on duration your service. Once you have accumulated enough hours, you may apply them towards group classes and concerts tickets.

Per Old Town School policy, accrued hours expire after 365 days without an active volunteer assignment.

What can I use my service hours towards?

Earned hours can only be used for group classes and concert tickets. There is a limit of two tickets per concert.

How do I sign up for classes using my volunteer hours?

Stop by the front desk or call 773.728.6000. The desk staff can register you for class.

How do I use my volunteer hours to get concert tickets?

If you are interested in applying your hours toward a pair of concert tickets, simply fill out the ticket request form.

If I have to cancel the day of the concert, who do I contact?

We depend on all the scheduled volunteers showing up to their commitments. If a volunteer who has signed up for a concert has to cancel the day-of-show, please call the Front Office at 773.728.6000 and let the desk staff know that you can't make it. They will leave a message for the day-of-show concert staff. You can also email dosp@oldtownschool.org.

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