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Planned Giving: The Unbroken Circle

The Unbroken Circle is a society of Old Town School supporters who have made a commitment to provide for the School in their estate plans. It is an easy and meaningful way to make a gift to the School that is more lasting and significant than one might otherwise think is possible.

Please consider making the Old Town School part of your legacy through a bequest or other planned gift.

Click Here for Planned Giving Opportunities ▸

Click Here for Estate Gift Confirmation Form ▸

To discuss a planned gift, contact Janet Sayre, Development Office, 773-751-3328 or jsayre@oldtownschool.org.

What is a "Planned Gift?"

Few things are truer than "You can't take it with you." A well-crafted estate plan that includes planned gifts will allow you to distribute your assets in a way that satisfies both your heirs and your philanthropic wishes. Just a few examples of planned giving include:

  • A direct bequest in your will
  • A gift of stocks or other securities
  • Designating beneficiaries in a life insurance policy
  • Designating beneficiaries of a retirement account

What are the benefits of planned giving?

In short, planned gifts can:

  • Help protect and manage your assets.
  • Provide significant tax benefits to you and your heirs.
  • Assure that heirs and charities benefit from your estate as you intend.
  • Help leave the philanthropic legacy you want.

Sample Bequest Language:

If you are drafting a will or codicil or establishing a trust, the following is sample language that can be used in making a bequest to the Old Town School of Folk Music. Do consult your attorney or financial advisor in preparing any bequest or other estate planning documents.

"I give to the Old Town School of Folk Music, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, located in Chicago, Illinois ______________ (insert sum, or percentage of residual estate). This gift is to be used for such purposes as the Old Town School of Folk Music shall determine."

Unbroken Circle membership:

  • Is for anyone who designates the School as a beneficiary in their will or estate plan.
  • Does not require a minimum gift. No gift is too small.
  • Can be anonymous (while still including you in Circle mailings and events).
  • Provides recognition, if desired, in various ways (Annual Report, Society recognition in a donor poster at the School) and includes a special invitation to a selected Old Town School event each year.
  • View list of Unbroken Circle Members

Next steps:

  • Consult a financial advisor or attorney about a will and other planned giving options and their benefits.
  • Call our Development Office (773-751-3328) if you would like to discuss inclusion of the School in your estate plan.
  • Or if you have already included the School in your estate plans, let us know; we would like to acknowledge and show our appreciation for you as a member of The Unbroken Circle!

With your help, the circle will be unbroken, and the Old Town School will be welcoming music and dance devotees through its doors for many, many generations to come.